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Globální indikátorový rámec pro Cíle udržitelného rozvoje Agendy 2030 - SDGs (2017)

bez přiřazených deskriptorů

Percentage of seized small arms and light weapons that are recorded and traced, in accordance with international standards and legal instruments
Proportion of population with large household expenditures on health as a share of total household expenditure or income
(a) Number of commercial bank branches per 100,000 adults and (b) number of automated teller machines (ATMs) per 100,000 adults
Proportion of local governments that adopt and implement local disaster risk reduction strategies in line with national disaster risk reduction strategies
Tuberculosis incidence per 100,000 population
The agriculture orientation index for government expenditures
Death rate due to road traffic injuries
Proportion of youth (aged 15–24 years) not in education, employment or training
Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for sustainable development, including gender equality and human rights, are mainstreamed at all levels in (a) national education policies; (b) curricula; (c) teacher education; and (d) student assessment
Proportions of positions (by age group, sex, persons with disabilities and population groups) in public institutions (national and local legislatures, public service, and judiciary) compared to national distributions
Proportion of persons victim of physical or sexual harassment, by sex, age, disability status and place of occurrence, in the previous 12 months
Proportion of jobs in sustainable tourism industries out of total tourism jobs
Prevalence of malnutrition (weight for height >+2 or <-2 standard deviation from the median of the WHO Child Growth Standards) among children under 5 years of age, by type (wasting and overweight)
Participation rate in organized learning (one year before the official primary entry age), by sex
Red List Index
Domestic material consumption, domestic material consumption per capita, and domestic material consumption per GDP
Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources
Proportion of people that feel safe walking alone around the area they live
Proportion of health facilities that have a core set of relevant essential medicines available and affordable on a sustainable basis
Proportion of urban population living in slums, informal settlements or inadequate housing
Proportion of transboundary basin area with an operational arrangement for water cooperation
Degree of integrated water resources management implementation (0–100)
Existence of independent national human rights institutions in compliance with the Paris Principles
Proportion of tariff lines applied to imports from least developed countries and developing countries with zero-tariff
Number of national development plans and processes integrating biodiversity and ecosystem services values
Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, by sex, age and location
Proportion of population living below the national poverty line, by sex and age
Agricultural export subsidies
National recycling rate, tons of material recycled
Residual flows generated as a result of tourism; direct GDP
Average income of small-scale food producers, by sex and indigenous status
Coverage of essential health services (defined as the average coverage of essential services based on tracer interventions that include reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health, infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases and service capacity and access, among the general and the most disadvantaged population)
Proportion of sustainable development indicators produced at the national level with full disaggregation when relevant to the target, in accordance with the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics
Hazardous waste generated per capita and proportion of hazardous waste treated, by type of treatment
Number of deaths, missing persons and directly affected persons attributed to disasters per 100,000 population
Proportion of urban solid waste regularly collected and with adequate final discharge out of total urban solid waste generated, by cities
Proportion of ever-partnered women and girls aged 15 years and older subjected to physical, sexual or psychological violence by a current or former intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by form of violence and by age
Change in the extent of water-related ecosystems over time
Proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all its dimensions according to national definitions
Indicator of food price anomalies
Number of new HIV infections per 1,000 uninfected population, by sex, age and key populations
Proportion of population using safely managed drinking water services
Percentage of children aged 1-17 who experienced any physical punishment and/or psychological aggression by caregivers in the past month
Proportion of agricultural area under productive and sustainable agriculture
Sum of total grants and non-debt-creating inflows directly allocated to poverty reduction programmes as a proportion of GDP
Health worker density and distribution
Frequency rates of fatal and non-fatal occupational injuries, by sex and migrant status
Total official flows (official development assistance plus other official flows) to the agriculture sector
Proportion of the population satisfied with their last experience of public services
Proportion of small-scale industries in total industry value added
Number of countries with sustainable consumption and production (SCP) national action plans or SCP mainstreamed as a priority or a target into national policies
Percentage of victims of violence in the previous 12 months who reported their victimization to competent authorities or other officially recognized conflict resolution mechanisms (also called crime reporting rate)
Proportion of population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technology
Proportion of teachers in (a) pre-primary; (b) primary; (c) lower secondary; and (d) upper secondary education who have received at least the minimum organized teacher training (e.g. pedagogical training) pre-service or in-service required for teaching at the relevant level in a given country
Total expenditure (public and private) per capita spent on the preservation, protection and conservation of all cultural and natural heritage, by type of heritage (cultural, natural, mixed and World Heritage Centre designation), level of government (national, regional and local/municipal), type of expenditure (operating expenditure/investment) and type of private funding (donations in kind, private non-profit sector and sponsorship
Prevalence of stunting (height for age <-2 standard deviation from the median of the World Health Organization (WHO) Child Growth Standards) among children under 5 years of age
Proportion of population below the international poverty line, by sex, age, employment status and geographical location (urban/rural)
Direct economic loss in relation to global GDP, damage to critical infrastructure and number of disruptions to basic services, attributed to disasters
Material footprint, material footprint per capita, and material footprint per GDP
Forest cover under sustainable forest management
Proportion of the target population covered by all vaccines included in their national programme
Whether or not legal frameworks are in place to promote, enforce and monitor equality and non-discrimination on the basis of sex
Proportion of population who believe decision-making is inclusive and responsive, by sex, age, disability and population group
Percentage of land that is degraded over total land area
Global food loss index
Under-5 mortality rate
Proportion of people living below 50 per cent of median income, by sex, age and persons with disabilities
Mortality rate attributed to cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory disease
Proportion of women aged 20–24 years who were married or in a union before age 15 and before age 18
Hepatitis B incidence per 100,000 population
Number of companies publishing sustainability reports
Suicide mortality rate
Unsentenced detainees as a percentage of overall prison population
Mortality rate attributed to unsafe water, unsafe sanitation and lack of hygiene (exposure to unsafe Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for All (WASH) services)
Number of plant and animal genetic resources for food and agriculture secured in either medium- or long-term conservation facilities
Number of countries that have integrated mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning into primary, secondary and tertiary curricula
Percentage of persons who had at least one contact with a public official, who paid a bribe to a public official, or were asked for a bribe by these public officials, in the previous 12 months, disaggregated by age group, sex, region and population group
Renewable energy share in the total final energy consumption
Red List Index for species in trade
Annual mean levels of fine particulate matter (e.g. PM2.5 and PM10) in cities (population weighted)
Proportion of domestic budget funded by domestic taxes
Direct economic loss attributed to disasters in relation to global gross domestic product (GDP)
Proportion of ever-partnered women and girls aged 15 years and older subjected to physical, sexual or psychological violence by a current or former intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by form of violence and by age
Number of victims of human trafficking per 100,000 population, by sex, age group and form of exploitation
Proportion of wastewater safely treated
Proportion of local breeds classified as being at risk, not at risk or at unknown level of risk of extinction
Conflict-related deaths per 100,000 population (disaggregated by age group, sex and cause)
Average share of the built-up area of cities that is open space for public use for all, by sex, age and persons with disabilities
Proportion of government recurrent and capital spending to sectors that disproportionately benefit women, the poor and vulnerable groups
Number of victims of intentional homicide per 100,000 population, by age group and sex
Proportion of women in managerial positions
Proportion of total adult population with secure tenure rights to land, with legally recognized documentation and who perceive their rights to land as secure, by sex and by type of tenure
Number of countries that adopt and implement constitutional, statutory and/or policy guarantees for public access to information
Amount of water- and sanitation-related official development assistance that is part of a government-coordinated spending plan
Participation rate of youth and adults in formal and non-formal education and training in the previous 12 months, by sex
Net permanent forest loss
Proportion of total government spending on essential services (education, health and social protection)
Proportion of seats held by women in (a) national parliaments and (b) local governments
Number of deaths, missing people, injured, relocated or evacuated due to disasters per 100,000 people
Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel
Official development assistance and public expenditure on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystems
Change in water-use efficiency over time
Fixed Internet broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants, by speed
Number of countries that adopt and implement national disaster risk reduction strategies in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030
Proportion of bodies of water with good ambient water quality
Proportion of population with access to electricity
Proportion of cities with a direct participation structure of civil society in urban planning and management that operate regularly and democratically
Neonatal mortality rate
Proportion of population reporting having personally felt discriminated against or harassed in the previous 12 months on the basis of a ground of discrimination prohibited under international human rights law
Percentage of educational institutions with formal and informal education curricula on sustainable development and lifestyle topics
Nitrogen use efficiency composite indicator
Proportion of population living in cities that implement urban and regional development plans integrating population projections and resource needs, by size of city
Amount of fossil-fuel subsidies per unit of GDP (production and consumption) and as a proportion of total national expenditure on fossil fuels
Number of countries that adopt and implement national disaster risk reduction strategies in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030
Percentage of the population subjected to physical, psychological or sexual violence in the previous 12 months
Number of qualified green patent applications over total
Proportion of local governments that adopt and implement local disaster risk reduction strategies in line with national disaster risk reduction strategies
Mortality rate attributed to household and ambient air pollution
Unemployment rate, by sex, age and persons with disabilities
Proportion of women of reproductive age (aged 15–49 years) who have their need for family planning satisfied with modern methods
Mountain Green Cover Index
Proportion of population covered by social protection floors/systems, by sex, distinguishing children, unemployed persons, older persons, persons with disabilities, pregnant women, newborns, work-injury victims and the poor and the vulnerable
Proportion of population living in households with access to basic services
Prevalence of undernourishment
Percentage of young women and men aged 18-24 who experienced sexual violence by age 18
Maternal mortality ratio
Forestry official development assistance and forestry foreign direct investment
Coverage of treatment interventions (pharmacological, psychosocial and rehabilitation and aftercare services) for substance use disorders
Proportion of individuals using the Internet
Manufacturing employment as a proportion of total employment
Ratio of land consumption rate to population growth rate
Proportion of individuals who own a mobile telephone, by sex
Prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity in the population, based on the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES)
Proportion of detected trade in wildlife and wildlife products that is illegal
Proportion of children under 5 years of age who are developmentally on track in health, learning and psychosocial well-being, by sex
Forest area as a percentage of total land area
Proportion of children and young people (a) in grades 2/3; (b) at the end of primary; and (c) at the end of lower secondary achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in (i) reading and (ii) mathematics, by sex
Passenger and freight volumes, by mode of transport
Proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill
Age-standardized prevalence of current tobacco use among persons aged 15 years and older
Volume of production per labour unit by classes of farming/pastoral/forestry enterprise size
International financial flows to developing countries in support of clean energy research and development and renewable energy production, including in hybrid systems
Annual growth rate of real GDP per capita
Total government revenue as a proportion of GDP, by source
Proportion of population reporting having personally felt discriminated against or harassed in the previous 12 months on the basis of a ground of discrimination prohibited under international human rights law
Proportion of population that has convenient access to public transport, by sex, age and persons with disabilities
Tourism direct GDP as a proportion of total GDP and in growth rate
(a) Number of commercial bank branches per 100,000 adults and (b) number of automated teller machines (ATMs) per 100,000 adults
Amount of United States dollars committed to public-private and civil society partnerships
Harmful use of alcohol, defined according to the national context as alcohol per capita consumption (aged 15 years and older) within a calendar year in litres of pure alcohol
Energy intensity measured in terms of primary energy and GDP
Growth rates of household expenditure or income per capita among the bottom 40 per cent of the population and the total population
Total value of inward and outward illicit financial flows (in current United States dollars)
Proportion of domestically generated resources allocated by the government directly to poverty reduction programmes
Number of deaths, missing persons and directly affected persons attributed to disasters per 100,000 population
Adoption of national legislation relevant to the prevention or control of invasive alien species
Coverage by protected areas of important sites for mountain biodiversity
Material footprint, material footprint per capita, and material footprint per GDP
Mortality rate attributed to unintentional poisoning